Above is the Lewis Model to describe different countries' cultures. He separates them by putting each country on three spectrums between linear-active, multi-active, and reactive. We can find Scotland in the UK bubble, located on the bottom left, linear-active corner, one space towards reactive. The United States is also near the linear-active corner, but rather one space up towards multi-active. Ireland is farthest away from the linear-active corner compared to the United Kingdom or the United States. Almost halfway between multi-active and linear-active on the spectrum is where you'll find Ireland.
This small chart (also from Google Images) briefly describes each of the cultural categories Lewis has created. I could explain more of the differences if I had my textbook with me, but this will have to do for the time being.
Now on to my experiences. As a student from the United States, studying in the UK is not very far from the US on the Lewis Model. I have to look closely for differences in concepts of time, speech, listening, and etc. There are obvious cultural differences (prawn cocktail flavored potato crisps, anyone?) but Lewis address subtler things in his work.
From my experiences so far, I kind of disagree with the way Lewis grouped the entire United Kingdom together. When I got the chance to visit London last October, I was amazed at how quiet the city could be. Even at rush hour, you would only hear footsteps as everyone kept to themselves. In Scotland, however, it's rare for you to hail a taxi or enter a pub without a local striking up a conversation with you. I would say that England is more reactive and Scotland is more multi-active within the United Kingdom itself.
Ireland was much different, though. Most of the local citizens I encountered could be quite rude. They would quickly mock people I was traveling for their clothes or even for trying to shake their hand. They meant it in good fun I came to realize, but it was easy to tire of the attitude quickly.
Within Scotland, however, local citizens are much more welcome. As I stated earlier, it's hard to go anywhere without someone talking to you. Even when you say or ask something dumb, they laugh but are kind to correct you. They seem so excited to get to know anyone and everyone. Especially during football games. Scottish people seem to carry the traits of linear-active planning and being results oriented, but definitely express some of the people-oriented aspects of multi-active cultures.

I really have enjoyed studying here in Scotland. It's been a truly incredible experience. But, with it being the Fourth of July, I can say that I'm a little homesick for some homemade southern sweet tea and fireworks.
Hope you all have a safe and wonderful Fourth of July!
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